Sunday, May 18, 2008

First one

This is my first post, and I just want to say that I'm excited about going to Peru. I'll try to update this a lot but I probably won't just to let you know. Feel free to ask me questions about what I'm doing and where I've been.



Mom said...

I am SO proud of you. Give it all you've got! God has blessed you with so much. You are gonna do GREAT things for God and yourself!!!!!!

Mom said...

I am excited for you. Please be careful and give it all you've got. You'll do a GREAT job. I am so proud of you

Mom said...

Hey buddy. Hope things are going well. I saw Jordyn last night at Drew's Grad party. She's doing ok, but like me missing you. Don't worry about us we'll be fine knowing you are doing God's work. Be safe and write when you can.

I love you.....

Mom said...

I am SSSOOOO glad to hear from you. sounds like you are super busy. have you started feeling better? you shouldn't have mentioned the girls... you know who may not like that..LOL I hope you are having an amazing time. Send emails if you can, too. I love YOU, mom